Practical tools to build courageous leaders and high-performing teams

You deserve to perform at your highest potential at work — without fear of failure or retaliation exhausting your unique contribution. Your team does too. I work with leaders like you through workshops, coaching and keynotes to teach practical tools that build a Courage-Ready Culture™ and high-performing team.

Candace Doby, Leadership Development Strategist, Keynote Speaker, Author and Coach
Candace Doby, Leadership Development Strategist, Keynote Speaker, Author and Coach

In good company

Put courage to work at work.

The COURAGE AT WORK newsletter gives you resources and confidence to amplify your leadership and navigate your workplace with courage. Subscribe and get the ABCs of Courage for free.

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Does this sound familiar?

You’re feeling the pressure to produce efficient results, show value that can’t be duplicated by artificial intelligence and build skills among team members that help position your organization for future success.

But, you’re not getting what you need from your team. 

You’re constantly wondering how to get them to speak up with their perspective and raise their hand to take the lead.

In reality, they’re afraid of risking their careers and dealing with retaliation. You know your success as a leader depends on whether you can enhance your team’s ability to perform to their potential. You can. You just need help giving them the right support to act with courage.

Hello, I am Candace

Hi, I’m Candace.

My specialty is building teams of people who own their brilliance, take risks, and work at their full potential.

But, early in my career, I played it small.

I spent more time hiding and censoring myself than contributing my best. Finally, I knew something had to change if I wanted to grow. I booked a ticket to travel solo through the parts of the world I knew least about (basically, what scared me the most.) Along the way, I found a courage within me I didn’t know was there. And when I returned, it was game on.

The more I tapped into my courage, the more my team members tapped into theirs. Year after year, we were among the highest-performing teams throughout Chipotle’s global brand. The same results followed as I began speaking and coaching.

Today, I combine research and experience to partner with global brands in building a Courage-Ready Culture™ — a culture where employees contribute and perform at their highest potential.

Ready to learn more?


Learn how to guide your teams to courageously speak up, show up and step up at work.


Dive deep into creating a Courage-Ready Culture™ with an independent workshop or keynote add-on.

Learn more coaching


Discover how you can save time and energy by working one-on-one to build and flex your courage muscle.

Results you can expect

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    A more courageous culture

    When you create teams that make risk-taking routine, you’ll not only see growth. You will see magic happen.
    Courage is contagious.

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    More workplace satisfaction

    When employees contribute at their highest potential, they are far happier and engaged in their work.
    Confident leaders stay.

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    More innovation

    Employees who act courageously try new ideas and learn to be comfortable in uncertainty and change.
    Make risk-taking routine.

Check Candace’s Availability

A Cool Girl’s
Guide to Courage

A fun introduction to courage featuring quotes and journal prompts to invite girls and young women to face their fears and find their confidence.

A Cool Girl's Guide to Courage
The Courage Hotline Podcast

The Courage
Hotline Podcast

Candid advice to callers who need help doing hard things in their professional lives.


Answers, insight and ideas to help you navigate the workplace with courage.


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